What is Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)
Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) gives clients a chance to spend some time with the horses on the ground, whilst giving them a safe place to unpack feelings and look at challenges in their lives in a fun, non-judgmental and relaxed way. The exercises provide a metaphor for situations outside the environment they are conducted in.
Our qualified facilitators and trained volunteers will enable the families to discover things about the horses and also some new things about themselves. The families will have the opportunity to work together, have fun, develop some skills and resources that they may not be aware they have, and find new skills to help them with life's challenges. They will also build some fun new memories as a family.
Who is it for?
EAL Sessions are designed for families and groups (2 or more people) where life may be difficult at present.
Some of the issues we help families deal with are family breakdown, new step-parents, foster family, bereavement, self-esteem, fear, domestic violence, school refusal, behavioural issues, self-harming and suicidal teens, sexual exploitation, mental health issues, anxiety, bullying, post traumatic stress, elective muteness, and things like Autism, ADHD, Aspergers, Sensory Processing.
No horse experience is necessary, we will show you everything you need to know.
What happens in a session​?​
Sessions generally start with time to groom the horses, get to know them, relax and enjoy the environment.
We strongly believe that you learn best when having fun. So once everyone is relaxed and ready we play some fun games with the horses, allowing our clients the opportunity to think about their lives, things that go well and things that are more difficult, in a different way.
We will then show the clients how they can take what they have learnt about themselves, their families and their circumstances and use it in their daily lives.
Are they weather dependant?
The short answer is no! In the nice, dry weather we hold our session outside in a paddock or stable yard. However if it is raining, cold or windy, we have a lovely big indoor barn in which to get away from the weather.
How long are the sessions?
Each session lasts approximately one hour. We stop when the right point has been reached rather than when the clock dictates. We usually run these sessions in a series of 6 sessions (although we can do more or less sessions depending on each case and funding requirements)
When do they take place? ​
We offer sessions during school hours and after school as well as Saturdays. Sessions during school hours are available fairly quickly, however after school and Saturdays are more in demand and hence have a longer waiting time. Saturdays are generally reserved for family groups to allow all members to attend. We have found that most schools will allow children time during the day to attend.
You can phone or email us on:
Phone: 07739 359213
Or have a look in one of the following information portals